Thursday, March 26, 2009

Equal Justice Works

Equal Justice Works has three programs for law students interested in public interest. Click HERE for more information about any of the three below amazing programs:

  • Summer Corps Program - Every year, 350 law students are placed at nonprofit legal service organizations. Students receive extraordinary experience along with an educational stipend.

  • AmeriCorps Legal Fellowships - Allows Fellow to promote public service at law schools by facilitating pro bono opportunities and training for other students. Fellowships last for one year and provide a living allowance and an education award.

  • Equal Justice Works Fellowships - Fellows are allowed to create hir or her own dream job with a nonprofit organization that has agreed to host the applicant. Fellows receive a salary and are eligible for loan repayment assistance. Typically, 100 Fellows are selected.

Remember, Career Service Counselors are HAPPY to assist you with these applications! Contact us today.