Thursday, March 18, 2010

Clerkship Opportunities

The University of Colorado Law School announces the National Tribal Court Clerkship Program for the Summer 2010. Law clerks have aided federal and state judges for more than a century by providing legal and administrative assistance. Very few tribal judges, however, have enjoyed the benefit of a law clerk’s services. Through the National Tribal Court Law Clerk Program, this might change. Tribal Court judges need assistance over the summer with substantive legal research and writing, and the goal of this program is to send law students from around the country to these courts for summer clerkships.

Although the positions are unpaid, students may be able to earn academic credit subject to meeting the requirements set forth by the student’s law schools.

Tribal Court clerkships and internship postings are posted HERE.

More positions may be added in the spring, so check back periodically. Students should apply to judges and courts directly pursuant the job posting’s instructions, and not through CU Law School or the website itself.