Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ged Educated About Veteran's Work

According to a recent posting ont he Equal Justice Works Blog, there are currently 22.4 million veterans in the United States, a figure which represents 10% of the nation’s adult population. After having courageously served their country, thousands of veterans are now living in poverty, facing homelessness, and in desperate need of help.

The economic crisis has had a disproportionate effect on veterans, especially those who have recently returned home and those who have been homeless for years. The National Alliance to End Homelessness reported the rate of homelessness for veterans is more than twice the rate of the general population. Further studies have shown that veterans, particularly those suffering from the effects of combat, face higher levels of unemployment, incarceration and homelessness than the population at large. In addition to the staggering rate of homelessness ... to continue reading about this important issue, click HERE.