There are TWO great panel programs this week focusing on public interest opportunities and judicial clerkships. Make plans to attend both for lunch and valuable information!
12:00 ~ Public Interest Opportunities (Room 550)
Find the answers to some of your pressing questions including ...
What are the personality traits and skills of a successful public interest lawyer?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of practicing public interest law?
What types of clients are represented and what types of matters are handled?
What specific experience and skill set do public interest organizations look for when hiring a law clerk or first year associate/lawyer?
What are the most useful classes/experiences a student can have in law school?
Financially speaking, can a student afford to enter a career in public interest?
Panelists include:
Hilary A. Creary, Esq. Guardian ad Litem Program, Supervising Attorney
Christa Figgins, Esq. Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Development Director
Roger Lennox DeVere Williams, Esq. Department of Children and Families, Circuit 4 Assistant Region Counsel
Erica Renee Shaffor, Esq. Three Rivers Legal Services, Attorney
12:00 ~ Judicial Clerkship Panel (Room 450)
Sponsored by the Career Services Department and Prof. Laura Boeckman.
Please join us to learn such things as:
What it means to be a judicial clerk
What judges look for when hiring clerks
How the application process works
How being a judicial clerk can help your career
The Honorable Timothy J. Corrigan, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida
Susanne Weisman, Esq., Law Clerk to the Honorable Timothy J. Corrigan, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida
Jacob A. Brown, Esq., Former Law Clerk to the Honorable Jerry A. Funk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida (now with Akerman Senterfitt)
Kara Wood, Esq., Law Clerk to the Honorable James R. Klindt, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida
Carrie D. McClain, Esq., Staff Attorney for the 4th Circuit Judicial Staff Attorney's Office
Heather to RSVP for one or both panels.