Check out the Student Loan Repayment Program Guide available online. Students can learn more about federal student loan repayment assistance, including which federal agencies are dishing out the most cash and what jobs are most likely to be on the receiving end of those funds. Stop ignoring your debt today!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Florida Coastal & Pro Bono
Take a moment and read about the pro bono efforts at Florida Coastal by reading the Pro Bono Spotlight. Remember, legal volunteering not only gives back to community but is also a valuable source of legal experience you need to be marketable to employers! Learn more about pro bono efforts and how to get involved by clicking HERE.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Federal Careers Expert Offers Tips on Jobs in Attorney Honors Programs
A recent ABA Journal article noted: Most federal agencies have attorney honors programs for entry-level lawyers, according to federal careers expert Derrick Dortch. In an online discussion hosted by the Washington Post, Dortch responds to a question about attorney honors programs outside the Justice Department. Dortch says job seekers can find out more by going to the agency where they want to apply and doing a keyword search for “attorney honors.” Another way to search is by going to Google’s government search section and doing a keyword search.
He lists these websites with attorney honors information:
The Federal Communications Commission.
The National Labor Relations Board.
In the District of Columbia government, the Office of Attorney General.
The CIA.
The Department of Labor.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
He lists these websites with attorney honors information:
The Federal Communications Commission.
The National Labor Relations Board.
In the District of Columbia government, the Office of Attorney General.
The CIA.
The Department of Labor.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Who Is Hiring?
The word is out .... the federal government is hiring. According to a recent article in the ABA Journal, A study by a think tank says the federal government needs to hire more than 270,000 workers in “mission-critical” jobs, and the legal sector is one of five fields where more workers are needed. The study by the Partnership for Public Service says hiring will need to be beefed up, partly to replace retiring baby boomers, the Washington Post reports. More workers will also be needed to handle new challenges planned by the Obama administration, such as repair of the financial sector and climate change. The survey says most of the new workers will be needed in five fields: medical, security, law enforcement, legal and administrative. A separate chart published by the Washington Post puts the number of legal hires needed at 23,596, and says the total number of federal employees in the legal field currently stands at 75,420. The story says the study, based on a survey of 35 agencies, is “necessarily imprecise,” since it depends on unknowns ... to continue reading, click HERE .
Thursday, September 24, 2009
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Legal Honor's Program
HUD’s Legal Honors Program for graduating law students, graduate law students, and judicial law clerks serves as the Department’s only recruitment program for entry-level attorneys. Subject to appropriations, approximately 10-20 legal honor positions are available annually in Headquarters and Field offices. Successful candidates begin work in August or September and participate in a 14-month appointment that may lead to a permanent position, pending bar acceptance. During the program, Legal Honors are assigned mentors, are given the opportunity to rotate to other offices within OGC, and participate in additional training and monthly discussions to enhance their program experience and develop their legal abilities. The program is highly competitive and candidates are selected on the basis of merit. Selection considerations include many factors, such as academic achievement; law review and other publication work; extracurricular activities such as moot court competitions and legal clinics; employment history; and participation in activities related to HUD’s mission. The Department provides reasonable accommodations for applicants and employees with disabilities. It is the policy of the Department of Housing and Urban Development to promote the maximum employment and job advancement for qualified disabled veterans, similar to its policy, goals, and objectives with reference to all persons with disabilities. All applicants for employment with the Department of Housing and Urban Development are judged without regard to their race, age, sex, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or familial status.
All application materials, as described above, must be postmarked by Friday, October 16, 2009 and submitted to the following address.
We regret that we cannot accept applications electronically or by facsimile (fax).
Return the completed application materials (original and two copies) to:
Director: Administration Management and HR Division
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of General Counsel
Room 10245
451 Seventh Street, SW
Washington, DC 20410
While applicants may submit informal copies of their resumés and applications to HUD staff at job fairs and on campus interviews, these copies are not a substitute for the official submission to the address above.For more information, please reference the following link:
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
New Jobs On Symplicity
Do any of these sound interesting?
Washington, D.C. Area Legal Positions:
Staff Attorney, National Health Law ProgramJob Opportunities, Advancement Project
Director, Voting Rights Project, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Non-Legal Positions:
Development Associate, Ayuda
Professors, University of the District of Columbia
Knowledge Associate, Children's Law Center
Communications Associate, America’s Voice
Citizenship Promotion Americorps (8) Positions, New Americans Citizenship Project of Maryland
Equal Justice Works AmeriCorps Legal Fellow, Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia
NationwideLegal and Non-Legal Positions:
Military/Veterans Project Attorney, State Bar of Georgia Pro Bono Project, Atlanta, GA
Program Associate and Legal Assistant, Human Rights First, New York, NY
New Executive Director, The Workplace Project, Hempstead, NY
Education and Outreach Associate, Center for Constitutional Rights, New York, NY
Paralegal, Legal Aid of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC
Pro Bono and Special Initiatives Coordinator, Pro Bono Net, New York, NY
Log into Symplicity for more information including application instructions.
New York,
North Carolina,
Public Interest,
Washington DC
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Where The Jobs Are
According to the results of a report released by the Partnership for Public Service earlier this month, the federal government will need to hire 273,000 new federal workers for mission-critical positions over the next three years. This surge in hiring is the result of an increased demand for services, priority program initiatives like climate change and healthcare, a wave of baby boomer retirements and normal attrition.
The majority of these positions are expected to fall into five broad fields:
- Medical and public health
- Security and protection
- Compliance and law enforcement
- Legal
- Administration/program management
The majority of these positions are expected to fall into five broad fields:
- Medical and public health
- Security and protection
- Compliance and law enforcement
- Legal
- Administration/program management
These jobs are located across the country and around the world. Visit the website, Where the Jobs Are.
Monday, September 21, 2009
North Carolina Fellowship Available
Legal Aid of North Carolina (LANC) is seeking applications for the Judge Samuel J. Ervin, III FELLOWSHIP for 2010-11. The Ervin Fellowship is an entry-level, one-year, staff attorney position. The Ervin Fellow will work in the LANC-Morganton Office, which provides free legal assistance in civil matters to low-income persons in Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba and McDowell Counties of northwest North Carolina. LANC is a statewide, nonprofit [501(c)3)] law firm that provides free legal services in civil matters to those households whose income falls below 125% of the federal poverty guidelines. Judge Samuel J. Ervin III served as judge and Chief Judge of the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals for nearly twenty years. He had an exemplary record of public service as state legislator and judge, and two tours of duty in the U.S. Army, prior to his elevation to the Circuit Court by President Carter in 1980. He was a graduate of Davidson College and the Harvard Law School. The Ervin Fellowship is funded in memory of Judge Ervin’s commitment to equal justice and public service. The fellowship is intended to provide legal aid to clients in Judge Ervin’s hometown of Morganton and the surrounding area.Responsibilities & Duties:The Ervin Fellow will be responsible for handling a general caseload in traditional areas of poverty law practice, involving housing, employment, consumer, public benefit and elder law issues.
Ervin Fellow candidates should expect to be licensed to practice law in North Carolina when the fellowship begins in September 2010. Applicants will be expected to have a demonstrated commitment to community service and to be able to relate well to low-income people in a rural setting.
Ervin Fellow candidates should expect to be licensed to practice law in North Carolina when the fellowship begins in September 2010. Applicants will be expected to have a demonstrated commitment to community service and to be able to relate well to low-income people in a rural setting.
$40,100+ DOE. Excellent benefits package. Relaxed office atmosphere.
$40,100+ DOE. Excellent benefits package. Relaxed office atmosphere.
Application Instructions
Applications must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday October 30, 2009. Send a cover letter (expressing interest in the fellowship and stating a preference for a specific field office), your resume, a writing sample (no more than 10 pages) and names/contact information of three (3) references to the contact below OR, by E-mail to:
Judge Ervin Fellowship
Legal Aid of North Carolina
211 East Union Street
Morganton, NC 28655
Friday, September 18, 2009
Civil Rights Fellowship Available
Relman & Dane (formerly Relman & Associates), a civil rights law firm based in Washington, D.C., is accepting applications for the 2010-2011 Relman Civil Rights Fellowship--a one-year, litigation fellowship with our firm. Recent law school graduates and judicial clerks whose clerkships are ending in 2009 are eligible to apply. We created this year-long Fellowship to further our mission of providing clients with legal services of the highest quality while promoting social justice through vigorous enforcement of our nation’s civil rights laws. As a firm, we are committed to bringing cases that raise important civil rights issues on behalf of people of color, women, immigrants, gays and lesbians, people with disabilities, and families with children. Our areas of practice include fair housing, fair lending, police accountability, public accommodations, disability access, and employment discrimination. Fellows will be involved in all aspects of litigation, from developing and investigating cases to interviewing clients, drafting pleadings and appearing in court. Fellows will receive a salary of $50,000 and full benefits.
Applications must be received no later than October 19, 2009 to receive full consideration. Applications must include: 1. One (1) completed application form 2. Official law school transcript 3. Two (2) letters of recommendation from: a. Law school professor b. Employer 4. Resume 5. Legal writing sample – The legal writing sample should reflect the applicant’s own work without significant revision from others. Next year’s Fellow will be announced in December at our annual Relman Civil Rights Fellowship Dinner in Washington, D.C. The Fellowship will begin in September 2010. To learn more about our firm or to download a fellowship application form, please visit our website:
Applications must be received no later than October 19, 2009 to receive full consideration. Applications must include: 1. One (1) completed application form 2. Official law school transcript 3. Two (2) letters of recommendation from: a. Law school professor b. Employer 4. Resume 5. Legal writing sample – The legal writing sample should reflect the applicant’s own work without significant revision from others. Next year’s Fellow will be announced in December at our annual Relman Civil Rights Fellowship Dinner in Washington, D.C. The Fellowship will begin in September 2010. To learn more about our firm or to download a fellowship application form, please visit our website:
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Where Are The Legal Jobs?
A 2009 WHERE THE JOBS ARE report will tell you! The federal government anticipates hiring almost 24,000 individuals to fill legal positions in the next two years. What agencies are looking to hire the most attorneys? Click here to find out!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Washington, DC Bound?
If you are interested in starting your law career in Washington, D.C., now is the time to become educated as to what is going on in our nation's capitol. Check out this Washington Post article about the "Federal Hiring Boom"
If projections bear out that the federal government will hire up to 120,000 people for jobs in the region over the next few years, the Washington area economy could be on its way to a rebound faster than most of the nation. Such a hiring boom would have widespread benefits, economists who study the region's employment and housing patterns said. It could reduce the region's unemployment rate, now at 6.2 percent, if jobless people here are hired, and it could revive stagnant home sales if people outside the area are hired. Moreover, as agencies expand to accommodate more workers, they could opt to lease space, boosting the ... to continue reading, click HERE.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Kimm Walton, author of the very popular book, Guerrilla Tactics For Getting The Legal Job Of Your Dreams: Regardless of Your Grades, Your School, or Your Work Experience! is returning to Florida Coastal! If you have not had the opportunity to see Kimm speak or are in need of a refresher or pep talk, make sure to attend Tuesday's program. Ms. Walton's books have been called "essential" in today's job market. Come learn from her experiences and hear some great advice.
Room 550
12:00 - 1:15
Pizza & Drinks will be provided
Reserve your space today by RSVPing through Symplicity or sending an email HERE.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Need Experience???
Attend one of the important informational meetings regarding In House Clinics and Externships that are available at FCSL.
Mon, Sept. 14th, 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. Room 550
Tues., Sept. 15th, noon to 1:00 P.M. Room 250
Fri., Sept. 18th, 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. Room 400
Tues., Sept. 22nd, noon to 1:00 P.M. Room 250
Learn all about the opportunities that are available to earn credit for gaining practical legal experience, the requirements, and the application process.
If you have attended a meeting in a previous semester and have no questions about this year’s process, you need not attend. While 1 L’s are welcome to attend, you will not be eligible to participate in one of these programs until your 2nd year.
Mon, Sept. 14th, 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. Room 550
Tues., Sept. 15th, noon to 1:00 P.M. Room 250
Fri., Sept. 18th, 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. Room 400
Tues., Sept. 22nd, noon to 1:00 P.M. Room 250
Learn all about the opportunities that are available to earn credit for gaining practical legal experience, the requirements, and the application process.
If you have attended a meeting in a previous semester and have no questions about this year’s process, you need not attend. While 1 L’s are welcome to attend, you will not be eligible to participate in one of these programs until your 2nd year.
See you there!
Judicial Clerkships,
Public Interest,
Friday, September 11, 2009
Environmental Fellowship Available
The Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. (NRDC), is a leading nonprofit environmental group with more than 1.2 million members and online activists. Offices are located in New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Beijing, and employ a staff of nearly 350 includes lawyers, scientists, policy analysts and educators, all working to protect the environment and public health.
NRDC is seeking a recent law school graduate to be a Charles Koob Legal Fellow. This two-year position is available starting in September 2010. He or she will work on litigation, in federal and/or state courts, addressing a variety of significant environmental problems, including air and water pollution, other public health threats, threats to natural resources, and environmental injustices. NRDC represents both its own members and a range of outside clients, including neighborhood associations, regional grassroots organizations, and environmental, labor, and public health groups.
The Fellow will work under the direction of senior attorneys and with other NRDC staff on all phases of litigation, from case development through trial and appeals. The Fellow may also engage in some administrative advocacy, policy analysis and research, and legislative analysis.
The fellowship will be based in either NRDC's Washington, DC, or San Francisco office. We will do our best to honor an applicant's location preference.
The fellowship will be based in either NRDC's Washington, DC, or San Francisco office. We will do our best to honor an applicant's location preference.
For more information including application instructions, visit
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Breaking News About the FBI
The FBI will not hire new entrants into its Summer 2010 Honors & Summer 2010 Volunteer Internship Programs. Instead, the office will concentrate its efforts on hiring 400+ professional staff entry-level positions and also new Special Agents.
For additional information about the FBI and future hiring plans, visit here -->
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Interested in Federal Work?
Take a moment and read this transcript from a Q&A Session with federal career expert Derrick Dortch. The Washington Post provides this information about applying for federal jobs and issues with security clearances.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Checking Symplicity

TIP: You should be checking Symplicity a few times a week at least!!! Positions are updated all of the time and you don't want to miss out on some great opportunities. Make sure you check back frequently! FCSL Job Postings
Friday, September 04, 2009
The Defense Department Wants To Work With You
The Defense Department on Monday unveiled a fresh look for its Web site, focused on increasing two-way communication. The redesigned site is hosted on the new URL and highlights social networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter. The primary goal of the makeover, Pentagon officials said, is to engage the public, particularly 18 to 24 year olds. "We need to embrace these technologies," Price Floyd, principal deputy assistant secretary of Defense for public affairs, told the American Forces Press Service, the Defense Department's news service. "We need to use them because .. to continue reading the entire article click HERE. For more information about positions and internships with the Defense Department and other Federal Agencies, click HERE.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Looking For Immigration Experience?
Jacksonville Area Legal Aid (JALA) is looking for student volunteers to assist with the Immigration Unit. Although bilingual (Spanish speaking) volunteers are most coveted, any student with an interest in immigration, may be considered. The weekly time committment is between 5-6 hours a week or more.
For more information, please send your resume to Nancy Hale.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Spring Externship Available

Applications are now being accepted for a credit-bearing externship during the Spring 2010 semester with the Jacksonville office of the United States Attorney. Both 2L and 3L students are eligible to apply. Applicants should have at least a 2.5 GPA, demonstrated proficiency in research and writing, be a U.S. citizen, and be available to work at least two days a week.
No CLI is required.
Interested students should submit a letter of interest, resume, unofficial law school transcript, writing sample and the agency’s pre-interview questionnaire to Professor Lynn McDowell in the clinic office by 4:00p.m. on Friday, September 11th. The letter of interest should be addressed to the following:
No CLI is required.
Interested students should submit a letter of interest, resume, unofficial law school transcript, writing sample and the agency’s pre-interview questionnaire to Professor Lynn McDowell in the clinic office by 4:00p.m. on Friday, September 11th. The letter of interest should be addressed to the following:
Judith A. Hoberman
Human Resources Specialist
U.S. Attorney’s Office
Middle District of Florida
Tampa, Florida
Human Resources Specialist
U.S. Attorney’s Office
Middle District of Florida
Tampa, Florida
The agency questionnaire forms are available in the Clinic Office, (Room 255).
The U.S. Attorney’s Office has a much earlier deadline than other externships and in-house clinics. Information about applying for them will be mailed out at a later date.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office has a much earlier deadline than other externships and in-house clinics. Information about applying for them will be mailed out at a later date.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Apply To Positions Nationwide!!!

Registration for Equal Justice Works 2009 Conference & Career Fair is NOW OPEN. Students may apply for both summer and full-time positions from NOW through September 11th. For more information including application instructions, click HERE.
Equal Justice Works,
Job Opportunity,
Public Interest,
Washington DC

It is time to apply for federal govenment positions! Check out the Government Honors & Internship Handbook today. This year's addition has information from 55 federal employers and 46 state and local employers, and details of 186 specific programs. Need a password? Email Career Services.
Job Opportunity,
Public Interest,
Washington DC
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