"PRO BONO YOU CAN HANDLE" --Use Your Skills To Help A Jacksonville Child In Need
The Jacksonville Bar Association is sponsoring a CLE with the Special Needs of Children Committee & The Juvenile, Delinquency & Guardian ad Litem Section. This is a great opportunity to meet attorneys working for children in the legal arena as well as learn more about family law issues in general. Topics covered will include Players in a Dependency Case, Guardianship When the Ward is a Minor, Special Immigrant Status of Juveniles, Pitfalls for Attorneys Practicing Pro Bono for Children, New Deposition Rule for Children, and When Children Testify at Trial.
The Jacksonville Bar Association is sponsoring a CLE with the Special Needs of Children Committee & The Juvenile, Delinquency & Guardian ad Litem Section. This is a great opportunity to meet attorneys working for children in the legal arena as well as learn more about family law issues in general. Topics covered will include Players in a Dependency Case, Guardianship When the Ward is a Minor, Special Immigrant Status of Juveniles, Pitfalls for Attorneys Practicing Pro Bono for Children, New Deposition Rule for Children, and When Children Testify at Trial.
For more information including registration materials, click HERE. The CLE will be held on March 19, 2009.