If you are not checking PSLAWNET yet, you should.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What Do Public Interest Lawyers Do?
If you are curious to learn what public interest lawyers do, check out the newly launched Equal Justice Works Channel on YouTube (thanks to another grant from Google.) The channel features several Equal Justice Works and AmeriCorps Legal Fellows discussing the work they’re doing in communities across the country. It's a great place to find inspiration!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Searching For A Judicial Clerkship?
If you missed the program last week about Judicial Clerkships, please stop by Career Services to pick up a packet of information or check out the DVD covering the program. A few highlights in the meantime . . .
- EDUCATE YOURSELF. Clerkships are available at the state and federal levels. Make sure to apply BROADLY in your searches at both levels. For federal, click HERE. For state opportunities, click HERE.
- START EARLY!!! Managing all of your applications and letters of recommendation can take time, so do not wait until the last minute.
- USE RESOURCES. The Online System For Clerkship Application & Review (OSCAR) can be set up to email you whenever there is a new judge posting a opening. What a great way to keep up-to-date on possible opportunities
- LET US HELP YOU. Career Services Counselors are here to help you with your judicial clerkship applications. From deciding your competitiveness to preparing you for the interview, we want to help guide you through this process. Set up your appointment TODAY.
Monday, April 27, 2009
New Legislation Supports Public Service
Last week, the President signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, joined by Senator Kennedy, President Bill Clinton, the Congressional leaders who supported the legislation, and countless others dedicated to passage of the bill at the SEED School, where service is a core part of the curriculum. Appropriately, the President announced a major call ... to continue reading, click HERE.
Isn't it great to see public service being recognized on the national level?
Friday, April 24, 2009
Great Experience In Minnesota

The Minnesota Supreme Court and Court of Appeals are looking for law clerks. Over 25 clerks will be hired in October 2009 for positions beginning AFTER graduation in August 2010. This is a GREAT opportunity for a student looking for excellent and reputable experience. Applications are due in August. For more information, log on to Symplicity.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Money Available For Students
Make sure to check out the scholarships being offered from the American Association For Justice. It's a great way to supplement your income while working in the government or public interest sector this summer. Click HERE for more information and instructions.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Do you have an interest in public defense? Take a moment and read how the issue of representing the indigent is being addressed on a national scale. What an excellent "talking point" for any upcoming interviews or cover letters ... Report Calls Out Flaws In Public Defender System (courtesy of NPR)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What You Need To Know About Judicial Clerkships
Most judicial clerkships must be applied for at the very beginning of your 3rd year of law school. If you are interested in obtaining a judicial clerkship following graduation, it is imperative that you understand the intricacies of the hiring process involved and start your planning THIS SUMMER!
Please attend the Career Services Department’s Judicial Clerkship Workshop TODAY (Tuesday, April 21st at 12:00 Noon in Room 550) where the following topics will be discussed:
· Assessing your candidacy for judicial clerkships
· Where to apply
· The timing of applications
· What to include in a judicial clerkship application
· Understanding OSCAR (Online System for Clerkship Applications & Review)
Please RSVP on Symplicity or send an email to careerservices@fcsl.edu. Pizza and drinks will be provided!
Please attend the Career Services Department’s Judicial Clerkship Workshop TODAY (Tuesday, April 21st at 12:00 Noon in Room 550) where the following topics will be discussed:
· Assessing your candidacy for judicial clerkships
· Where to apply
· The timing of applications
· What to include in a judicial clerkship application
· Understanding OSCAR (Online System for Clerkship Applications & Review)
Please RSVP on Symplicity or send an email to careerservices@fcsl.edu. Pizza and drinks will be provided!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Job Fair & Networking Opportunity

The National Black Prosecutors Association is pleased to announce its upcoming Annual Job Fair on Tuesday, July 21, 2009. Click HERE to learn more about how to register as well as a list of employers who have previously participated in this Job Fair.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Looking For An Internship In Miami?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in Miami is looking for three law students interested in Civil Rights & Liberties, Racial Justice Issues, Employment/Labor, and Legislative/Policy Issues for an unpaid summer internship.
The EEOC Summer Program offers law students the opportunity to work closely with EEOC trial attorneys in the development of employment discrimination cases. Typical assignments for legal interns include legal research and writing, assistance with hearing or trial preparation, and investigatory follow-up on cases.
For more information including application instructions, check out the posting on PSLAWNET.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Great Jobs & Internship Opportunities

Stop by Career Services to learn more information about the great attorney and summer internship positions listed below. Apply today!!!
Attorney Advisor Positions, Office of the General Counsel, Government of the District of Columbia
Chief Counsel, Maryland Legal Aid, Baltimore, Maryland
Attorney, Jeremiah’s Circle of Friends
Domestic Violence and Family Law Attorney, Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center
Legal Services Manager, Boat People SOS
Action Group Director, Humanity United
Project Coordinator, Center for Survivor Agency and Justice
Accountant, Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Domestic Violence and Family Law Attorney, Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center
Legal Services Manager, Boat People SOS
Action Group Director, Humanity United
Project Coordinator, Center for Survivor Agency and Justice
Accountant, Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Grants Manager, Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Legal Caseworker, Program Representing Immigrant Survivors of Abuse. Austin, Texas
Community Organizer, American Civil Liberties Union, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Legal Caseworker, Program Representing Immigrant Survivors of Abuse. Austin, Texas
Community Organizer, American Civil Liberties Union, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project, Florence, AZ
American Friends Service Comm./NY Metro Regional Office, New York, NY
American Friends Service Comm./NY Metro Regional Office, New York, NY
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Student Loan Forgiveness Article
A recent article suggest to students, "Get a job, ditch your student loans." While this premise sounds promising, all students interested in these programs should do their research well in advance to make sure deadlines and qualifications are met. This recent article discusses the new loan forgiveness programs encouraging public service and is a great first read providing links to other resources. For the full text of the article, click HERE.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Government & Public Interest Blog proudly celebrates 100 postings this week! Thank you to all of the Blog's followers for helping to support and promote the Blog as THE place to find information, resources, and opportunities. If you have any advice, recommendations, or input on the Blog, we would love to hear it. Feel free to share your comments by emailing Jocelyn.
Monday, April 13, 2009
A Fun Fact For Monday

84 percent of federal jobs are located outside the greater Washington, D.C. area?!? Click HERE for a breakdown as to where these federal jobs are located.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Public Service Is In The News!

Stay informed on the commitment the federal government is making towards public service by reading the below article from the Associated Press. The article discusses the fact that a recent Congressional vote has tripled the number of positions in the AmeriCorps program.
"Tens of thousands of Americans, from teenagers to baby boomers, soon will get a fresh chance to lend a helping hand in a time of need after Congress voted Tuesday to expand ways for Americans to serve their country and each other. The House voted 275-149 for a $5.7 billion bill that takes ambitious steps on public service, including tripling the number of positions in the Clinton-era AmeriCorps program, its largest expansion since the agency's creation in 1993, and establishing a fund to help nonprofit organizations recruit and manage more volunteers. Congress was sending the bill to President Barack Obama, who often cites his years as a Chicago community organizer for giving him his political start. Obama has made bolstering national service programs a high priority, and in his overall budget proposal has ..." To continue reading click HERE.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Interested In Clerking In Tallahassee??

If you are in the Top 10% of your class with Law Review experience, the First District Court of Appeal is looking for your application. We just learned that the Court is currently soliciting resumes for law clerk and staff attorney positions. Log into Symplicity for all of the details.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Do You Have Student Debt?

Equal Justice Works has launched a new web resource for students and educators regarding student debt. The College Cost Reduction and Access Act - legislation that forgives student debt and limits monthly loan payments - becomes fully effective on July 1, 2009. Signed into law nearly two years ago, the College Cost Reduction and Access Act (CCRAA) will now help thousands of recent graduates cope with student debt and enter public service.
To help college graduates and their advisors understand, qualify and take advantage of benefits under the CCRAA, Equal Justice Works has developed a free online resource center that provides a comprehensive overview of its provisions as well as many practical tools including simple checklists, calculators, lists of loan repayment assistance programs, FAQs and podcasts.
Visit the Equal Justice Works Debt Relief online resource center.
To help college graduates and their advisors understand, qualify and take advantage of benefits under the CCRAA, Equal Justice Works has developed a free online resource center that provides a comprehensive overview of its provisions as well as many practical tools including simple checklists, calculators, lists of loan repayment assistance programs, FAQs and podcasts.
Visit the Equal Justice Works Debt Relief online resource center.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Interesting Article About Pro Bono Work

A recent article, "Economy Prompts N.Y. Courts' New Program for Volunteer Attorneys" by
Joel Stashenko in the New York Law Journal highlights how one state is dealing with the current economy and need for legal services. Read below for highlights about the program.
Joel Stashenko in the New York Law Journal highlights how one state is dealing with the current economy and need for legal services. Read below for highlights about the program.
Administrators of New York courts rolled out a new program Thursday to enlist attorneys, many of whom may be laid off or on reduced work schedules due to the sour economy, to provide legal advice and expertise to pro se litigants.The initiative will differ from traditional pro bono work in that lawyers will not represent poor clients in court nor provide assistance throughout their cases. Rather, lawyers in the new Volunteer Attorney Program will make themselves available to multiple pro se litigants to help them prepare petitions and other court paperwork, advise them about what might happen in court and interpret orders from courts, Chief Administrative Judge Ann Pfau said. The program at first will focus on providing legal services in courts in New York City and in Westchester, Suffolk and Nassau counties.Pfau said the need for attorneys to help pro se litigants is particularly acute in cases that reflect the bad economy, such as foreclosures, tenant-landlord disputes, personal debt, child support and other matters in Family Court and small estate settlements in Surrogate's Court.Both employed and unemployed lawyers can participate, Pfau said."People still want to be lawyers," she said in an interview. "We are very happy to think that we could both marry the need for more lawyers and the opportunity for lawyers to provide this very direct service when families are in crisis. That's why they are in court, because ... to continue reading the full text of the article, click HERE.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Looking For A Volunteer Opportunity?

The Sulzbacher Medical Clinic for the Homeless is looking for YOU. Volunteers are provided with the opportunity to assist patients with enrollment in free and reduced-cost medication programs offered by pharmaceutical companies; compile necessary social security, state benefit and financial documentation for enrollment in programs; assist with tobacco cessation classes; and provide patient advocacy for medication coverage and cancer care programs. Other work involves compliance with requirements of patient enrollment in pharmaceutical patient assistance programs; helping to ensure that HIPAA guidelines are upheld; helping to draft and implement pharmacy policies that comply with Federal DEA and Florida Department of Environmental Protection laws; advocacy for physicians and patients in the context of Social Security, Medicaid and other state/local benefits programs. A portion of this valuable work experience would be clerical with hands-on exposure to nonprofit administration and the legal, social and clinical aspects of healthcare. Volunteers are needed for both short-term and long-term bases.
Sound interesting? Students who want to volunteer and get some great experience can contact Jamie McIntyre for more information.
Sound interesting? Students who want to volunteer and get some great experience can contact Jamie McIntyre for more information.
Health Law,
Pro Bono,
Public Interest,
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
A break from blogging . . . .

Counselors from Career Services will be attending a National NALP Conference in Washington, DC for the next few days. Since our time will be spent learning more about federal government hiring, public interest initiatives, and careers focusing on public service, our time for blogging will be limited. We look forward to sharing the information we learn with you through the Blog upon our return to the office on Monday. Watch for updates then!
Have a great week!
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