If you missed the program last week about Judicial Clerkships, please stop by Career Services to pick up a packet of information or check out the DVD covering the program. A few highlights in the meantime . . .
- EDUCATE YOURSELF. Clerkships are available at the state and federal levels. Make sure to apply BROADLY in your searches at both levels. For federal, click HERE. For state opportunities, click HERE.
- START EARLY!!! Managing all of your applications and letters of recommendation can take time, so do not wait until the last minute.
- USE RESOURCES. The Online System For Clerkship Application & Review (OSCAR) can be set up to email you whenever there is a new judge posting a opening. What a great way to keep up-to-date on possible opportunities
- LET US HELP YOU. Career Services Counselors are here to help you with your judicial clerkship applications. From deciding your competitiveness to preparing you for the interview, we want to help guide you through this process. Set up your appointment TODAY.