Friday, May 29, 2009

Jobs In Jacksonville!

The FDIC (#30 on the Best Places To Work List) recently announced the establishment of the East Coast Temporary Satellite Office (ECTSO) located in Jacksonville. The FDIC is currently recruiting for positions for this office.

What are they looking for?

Generally, the FDIC is looking for individuals with financial institution experience that demonstrates skill and ability in any of the following: financial statement analysis; loan liquidation/workout; negotiable instruments; economics; accounting; marketing; and finance.

For additional information regarding applications to the FDIC, log into Symplicity for all of the details! Also, call call 1-877-ASK-FDIC if you are interested in applying.

Positions will be updated continuously and it is anticipated that 500 individuals may be hired! Apply TODAY!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Are You In Jacksonville & Looking For Experience?

Three Rivers Legal Services Has Pro Bono Legal Opportunities For YOU This Summer!

Three Rivers Legal Services is now accepting applications for volunteers to assist with the implementation of Client Services, Legal Clinics and Community Outreach Programs.
TRLS has a total of 3 programs available this summer for student participation; including Pro Se Clinics, Community Outreach Presentations, and In-Office/Research.

For more information including application instructions, click HERE.

The deadline for applying is June 1, 2009 at 4:00 PM.

For further information or to submit your application, please e-mail Deanna and Summer at For further information about Three Rivers Legal Services, Inc., please visit their website at

Remember . . . . experience is the KEY to building your resume!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Looking for Volunteer Work?

HandsOn Jacksonville is an organziation that helps individuals BE THE CHANGE you want to see in the world. From their website, you can search free of charge for opportunities among member agencies or get involved in projects. To learn more about HandsOn Jacksonville and all of their programs and services click HERE.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

LexisNexis Associates Serving Public Interests Research (ASPIRE) Program

LexisNexis is proud to support 2009 graduates who pursue public service. Sign up to access certain LexisNexis services free of charge by clicking HERE. Eligible users include 2009 graduates who elect to pursue public interest work while searching for law firm employment, and 2009 graduates who pursue public interest work as a continuing profession.

If you are eligible, complimentary LexisNexis access will be provided throughout your public interest employment period, up until September 2010 maximum. Public interest employment must be for a non-profit or charitable organization.

This is a great resource from Lexis! For more information and application instructions, click HERE.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Equal Justice Works Mission

Take a moment and read about the mission of Equal Justice Works. If you agree with the goals of this organization, there are many ways to get involved. Click HERE to learn more.


The mission of Equal Justice Works is to create a just society by mobilizing the next generation of lawyers committed to equal justice. We provide leadership to ensure a sustainable pipeline of talented and trained lawyers involved in public service. Equal Justice Works provides a continuum of programs that begin with incoming law school students and extend into later careers in the profession. We provide the nation’s leading public interest law fellowship program and offer more postgraduate, full-time legal positions in public service than any other organization. For more than 20 years, Equal Justice Works has collaborated with the nation’s leading law schools, law firms, corporate legal departments and nonprofit organizations to provide the training and skills that enable attorneys to provide effective representation to vulnerable populations. We:
* Help law schools establish and strengthen public interest programs;
* Provide public service work experience, professional development and training for students and lawyers; and
* Build strong support in the legal profession for public service through pro bono work and financial support

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Focus On Homeland Security

Throughout the year, the Florida Coastal Blog is interested in focusing on careers which may be of interest to our students. If you think a career in the federal government sounds interesting, you will definitely want to check out the many opportunities at the Department of Homeland Security.

Attorneys from the Office of the General Counsel and its major components play major roles in crafting, developing, and defending policies relating to many of the most important issues facing the nation today, including counterterrorism, immigration and border security, emergency response and recovery, and countless other matters.

For more information about the Department of Homeland Security, click HERE.

To access vacancies in the Office of the General Counsel, click USAJOBS Web site

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Job, Internships, & Fellowship Opportunities

Check out the Document Library in Symplicity or stop by Career Services (Room 180) to learn more about the requirements and how to apply to these great opportunites!

Legal Positions
Director of Government Relations and Communications, Center for Reproductive RightsStaff Attorney, D.C. Employment Justice Center
Attorney Advisor, Social Security Administration
Attorney Advisor, Attorney General for the District of Columbia
Equity Litigation Attorney, Attorney General for the District of ColumbiaTrial Attorney, Attorney General for the District of Columbia
Legal Service Manager, Boat People, SOS, Inc.
Senior Policy Director, National Immigration Forum
Domestic Violence and Family Law Attorney, Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center

Non-Legal Positions:
Chief Financial Office, Easter Seals
Chief Financial Officer, New Partners
Press Assistant, New Partners
Campaign Finance Director, New Partners
Campaign Finance Assistant, New Partners
Finance Associate, New Partners
Researcher, New Partners
Senior Administrative Assistant, American University
Program Coordinator, American University
Project Assistant, Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.

WCL Summer Intern, Washington Council of Lawyers
Korean American Community Public Interest Attorney Fellowship, New York, New York
Clinical Teaching, American University
Program Coordinator, City Bar Justice Center, New York, New York
Staff Attorney, Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project, Florence, ArizonaProgram Associate, Vera Institute of Justice, New York, New York
Legal Worker, Center for Constitutional Rights, New York, New York
Paralegal, Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project of Catholic Charities, Los Angeles, California

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do You Have Student Debt?

You are not alone.

If you are a law student interested in public interest or government work, find out more about 100% Loan Forgiveness on your student debt, by clicking HERE. Equal Justice Works sponsors a webinar explaining what you need to do to qualify to have your loans forgiven. Space for the webinar is limited, so register today to learn what you need to do.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Americans Love Uncle Sam

A recent released Gallup poll has shown that more Americans are interested in federal jobs. Between 2006 and 2009, the number of respondents who told Gallup they were considering federal employment rose from 24 percent to 40 percent. Those respondents said the quality of benefits, job security and work-life balance were the factors that most attracted them to federal jobs. But 71 percent said they were seeking a job that would enable them to make a difference, and 65 percent of respondents reported an interest in helping to fix the country's problems. To continue reading the entire article, click HERE.

Remember, the Career Services Counselors are here to help you with your federal government applications. Make an appointment today to start your own search for jobs and internship opportunities! Contact us by clicking HERE.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Interested in Employment Law

The Jacksonville Bar Association is hosting a CLE "An Intro to the National Labor Relations Act For Employment Lawyers" on May 13, 2009. What a great way to meet and network with attorneys from Florida who are interested in Employment Law! For more information and registration instructions, click HERE.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How To Get A Job On The Hill

The Government & Public Sector Division of the American Bar Association recently shared an article, "How To Get A Job On The Hill" which explains the process students and attorneys typically go through when searching for Washington, DC opportunities. If you are interested, click HERE for this helpful article and to learn more about the Government & Public Sector Division of the American Bar Associating.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Did you know that there is a Public Interest Law Section of the Florida Bar? There are also Committees that function as part of the Section and include the below topics:

___ Civil Rights
___ Delivery of Legal Services
___ Disability Law
___ Family Preservation
___ First Amendment Law
___ Homelessness in Florida
___ Legal Needs of Children

Click HERE to learn more about the mission of the Public Interest Law Section and access the membership list of attorneys interest in Public Interest Law. Make sure to inquire about Student Membership in this Section!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Where Are The Employers?

According to their PSLAWNet website, employers are finding it very easy to post openings using their online system.

If employers are using PSLawNet, shouldn't you???
"PSLawNet has been quite helpful for the Office of the Attorney General for the District of Columbia. Each time it has an attorney vacancy, the Office of the Attorney General for D.C. posts the job listing with PSLawNet. “Candidates consistently inform us that they learn about the job via PSLawNet”, says the Director of Recruitment and Hiring Office. With positive results, the Office of the Attorney General for D.C. highly recommends using PSLawNet to other public interest and government employers as a key recruiting resource to widely publicize your organization and attorney or law student job vacancies."

Monday, May 11, 2009

Making Federal Applications Easier

A recent commentary discussed the ongoing conversation in Washington about the need for improvement in the federal hiring process. This commentary notes that a recent hearing was an "important step in fixing a hiring process that produces more aggravation than appreciation for the way Uncle Sam does business." In addition to other improvements, The Federal Hiring Process Improvement Act would require that agencies keep candidates informed of the status of their applications. There is also discussion that the traditional lengthy job descriptions and required essays for federal positions could become a thing of the past. To read the Washington Post commentary, click here.

For the full text of the proposed legislation, click HERE.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Americans Support Legal Aid

In a recent survey , it was found that most Americans support federally funded legal aid to poor. "Two-thirds of Americans favor federal funding to help those who need legal assistance, according to a survey commissioned by the American Bar Association. The survey, conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of the ABA, found that 36 percent "strongly support" and 31 percent "somewhat support" federal funding to help Americans who need legal assistance. Twenty-eight percent were strongly or somewhat opposed, and 6 percent responded with "don't know" or declined to answer, according to the survey. The vast majority of respondents expressed ... " To continue reading the full text of the article, click HERE.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Planning On Being In Washington This Week?

Each year, the President and Congress designate the first Monday through Sunday in May (May 4-10, 2009) as Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) to honor and thank these workers for their dedication and professionalism. Celebrated since 1985, PSRW is also an opportunity for public employees to showcase the broad array of government services they provide to the American people.

The capstone of the celebration is an event hosted by the Partnership for Public Service and Public Employees Roundtable on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., May 7-10, where more than 100 government offices and nonprofit organizations will showcase a selection of their programs through interactive and educational exhibits.

Friday, May 8 is Students' Day, when students of all ages can participate in various fun-filled, educational activities, such as learning to apply for student financial aid, observing deep sea divers from the U.S. Navy and chatting with leaders, including human resource professionals in the federal government. NASA astronaut Paul Richards and Thomas Skelly of the Department of Education will help kick-off Students' Day with remarks at 10:30 a.m.

This year's theme is "Government Goes Green." The Mall event will feature new large-scale exhibits showcasing how government agencies are working to have a positive impact on the globe through environmentally friendly practices and energy efficient initiatives.
If you find yourself in D.C. over the weekend, go check out the Celebration!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Florida Coastal Staff & Faculty will be attending the 2009 Equal Justice Conference in Orlando on May 13, 2009. Remember, the Conference is open to students and is a great networking opportunity with attorneys from across the country. If you are planning on attending, send Jocelyn an email with any questions you may have. Registrations will be accepted on-site the day of the Conference. We'll see you in Orlando!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Still Confused About Public Service Loan Forgiveness?

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program is a GREAT resource that all students and alumni with an interest in public service or government should understand. If you still have questions about your eligibility, the benefits, and how the program works. Click on

Public Service Loan Forgiveness to access the Student Debt Relief Podcast Series which walks you through the process step-by-step.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Career Services Wishes Everyone Good Luck On Spring Exams!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Local Government Bar Associations

If you are a law student interested in government work, check out the great list of state bar associations around the country with sections dedicated to government issues. You can access the full list by clicking HERE. What a great way to start meeting attorneys working on the issues that matter to you!