Each year, the President and Congress designate the first Monday through Sunday in May (May 4-10, 2009) as Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) to honor and thank these workers for their dedication and professionalism. Celebrated since 1985, PSRW is also an opportunity for public employees to showcase the broad array of government services they provide to the American people.
The capstone of the celebration is an event hosted by the Partnership for Public Service and Public Employees Roundtable on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., May 7-10, where more than 100 government offices and nonprofit organizations will showcase a selection of their programs through interactive and educational exhibits.
Friday, May 8 is Students' Day, when students of all ages can participate in various fun-filled, educational activities, such as learning to apply for student financial aid, observing deep sea divers from the U.S. Navy and chatting with leaders, including human resource professionals in the federal government. NASA astronaut Paul Richards and Thomas Skelly of the Department of Education will help kick-off Students' Day with remarks at 10:30 a.m.
This year's theme is "Government Goes Green." The Mall event will feature new large-scale exhibits showcasing how government agencies are working to have a positive impact on the globe through environmentally friendly practices and energy efficient initiatives.
If you find yourself in D.C. over the weekend, go check out the Celebration!