The Spring Break 2010 Farmworker Justice Immersion Project will provide 30 FCSL student volunteers the opportunity to assist Florida Legal Services Inc. Migrant Farmworker Justice Project (“FLS”) lawyers collect and acquire critically needed field evidence that that will be used in the development and prosecution of new and ongoing farmworker cases. Spend your Spring Break making a difference in the lives and working conditions of one of the nation’s most exploited communities - - farmworkers. This year’s Spring Break 2010 Farmworker Justice Immersion Project focuses on two specific farmworker populations, workers in the fern industry and seasonal migrants who are used to harvest potatoes on Northeast Florida’s potato farms. FCSL students can expect to do client interviews, advocacy outreach, and spot legal research based on conditions and field data collected during the week’s outreach activities. The Project will run from March 15th through March 19th.
Registration, Training and Other Details
1. An informational meeting will be held on January 21st at noon.
1. An informational meeting will be held on January 21st at noon.
2. Registration will take place on January 28th at noon and interested students will have the opportunity to register and meet with FLS lawyers.
Students interested must attend the January 28th registration session and two February training sessions conducted by FLS lawyers. FCSL student volunteers will receive pro bono credits for their participation and will obtain invaluable experience in working with clients, advocacy and legal research and writing. Interested students should watch for information about the initial meetings in January.