Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pro Bono... Why It Matters

Pro Bono work should be part of any practicing attorney's plan. Take a moment from studying and read the opinions of Dawn Levine, an attorney practicing in Marietta, GA. In this article, Ms. Levine discusses the top 8 reasons she completes pro bono work. You may find some inspiration in her words.

"Many of us went to law school imagining that we would be the next Atticus Finch. And while "thanks" with a paycheck feels good, the thanks you get from your clients when you took their case for nothing feels good on a completely different, but very real level. My pro bono clients have sent me cards, letters of thanks, flowers and cookies. They have hugged me with tears in their eyes and proudly introduced me as "their attorney" to their family... to keep reading, click HERE."