The federal government is showing that they really care about what their employees have to say about increasing productivity. In the article, "Reforming from the bottom up. Employee ideas help agencies work smarter, save millions" by Gregg Carlstrom and Tim Kauffman, it was discussed that the federal government is relying on input from all levels of management. What a great way to give back in your first job!
"Federal managers are increasingly turning to their front-line employees for advice on saving money and improving business processes. The Veterans Affairs Department asked its workers how to fix the department’s disability claims processing system, which currently has a backlog of more than 400,000 claims. The Office of Management and Budget asked federal employees to submit ideas for saving money; the White House asked them for tips on making the government more environmentally friendly. The Air Force wants airmen to suggest ways to save money and streamline processes. And the Transportation Security Administration’s “Idea Factory” program has generated more than 7,000 suggestions on improving airport security. Most of these programs are new, and it’s too early to tell how much of an effect they’ll have. But managers such as ... to continue reading, click HERE.