Law students are busy people. This fact remains true no matter where or when you attended law school. While immersed in one's studies, it is often difficult to remember about the moral and ethical obligation future lawyers have to serve the under served through pro bono work. In a recent acceptance speech for a national pro bono award, one Northwestern law student reflected on his service in law school and the impact it had on his life. It is certainly worth sharing for inspiration to give back in your own way as both a law student as a future attorney.
"People often ask me why I volunteer so much. Why do I serve? It’s because I know what it’s like to be in need. I know the pain. I know the heartache, the financial hardships and emotional turmoil. Given that, how dare I ignore the hungry? Who am I to turn my back on the children who have been told they’ll never make it? How can I consider writing articles and pontificate on the foreclosure crisis or Katrina when I have the power to help make it better? I give back because I know from personal experience the type of impact one person can have on another’s life. So I don’t see volunteering as simply volunteering, I see service as an obligation, a duty.... " To continue reading the full text of this moving speech, click HERE.